Percentage of Supply | Total Allocation | |
Membership Rewards | 44.5% | 200,250,000 |
Uniswap Liquidity Pool Staking | 20.5% | 92,250,000 |
Ecosystem Development (Treasury) | 10% | 45,000,000 |
Founding Team | 15% | 67,500,000 |
Strategic Advisors | 5% | 22,500,000 |
Liquidity Support | 5% | 22,500,000 |
TOTAL | 100% | 450,000,000 |
*Membership Rewards will be claimable to Bit Bullies NFT holders for learning about the Champagne Lounge and general crypto ecosystem and contributing to the community by voting. As there is more work initially to build out the Bullyverse, Membership Rewards will have significantly higher per unit time closer to launch.
*Uniswap LP Staking rewards for contributing to the liquidity of the Uniswap V2 LUNCH/ETH Pool.
*Ecosystem Dev will be used to fund the path towards a DAO, and other community building activities.
Entities and Names
Project Bullies - The group responsible for the creation of the BitBullies NFT and a community member in the LUNCH Utility Token Ecosystem.
BitBullies NFT - A collection of 2,000 bad to the bone digital art pieces which doubles as a membership to an anti-bullying community with various club perks.
Lunch Lounge - The legal entity that exists to administer LUNCH tokens and future community decisions for the token.